Staff Signature's Sending but not displaying on the draft email

Staff Signature's Sending but not displaying on the draft email

Symptom: When starting a new email the users email signature is not displayed in the window

Cause:  This occurs with the current beta of Microsoft Outlook. This is a bug in the beta version (Try the new outlook option ticked). This is an issue in the Microsoft Office software and has been reported to Microsoft and they are working on a fix for the next production release. 


Fix:  Please revert to using the current release version of Outlook to fix the problem. It is suggested rolling back to 2401.

You can confirm it's the 2402 beta version of Outlook via the following:

You can also make sure you Office has all available updates provided by Microsoft by clicking update now in the office account are as above

Workaround : Opening the add-in will insert the signature correctly and pinning it to the side to keep it open when drafting emails.